Depth Data & Secondary Display

edited October 2013 in Kinect

I am trying to create an interactive piece where the user IR distance via the Kinect will trigger an image switch on a secondary display. I don’t want to be limited by the Processing sketch 640x480 resolution. The footage could either be a quicktime movie (moving along the frame timeline) or an image sequence.

Tracking the IR distance is simple enough.

Replacing the image does not seem difficult either.

But, sending the image to another display seems like the hardest part.

Any suggestions? (I don’t have to work with Processing, I am willing to try other software or scripting languages.) I'm on Mac OSX 10.8



  • Hello,

    You're displays are plug on the same computer ? If yes, it's possible to create two windows with the same processing's sketch.

  • I intend on using either my laptop or a Mac Air to run the sketch, and then plugging that into a HD Monitor to actually display the piece. But I guess I can just "mirror" it onto my other monitor.

    But is it possible to export the images to the display at fullscreen HD?

  • Yes you could display the sketch for the HD, if you change the size in processing !

    But you couldn't transform a sketch made on original size (640x480) to a HD sketch, because processing renders a pixelated image.

  • Interesting. So as long as I declare the size in Processing to HD it should work out fine.

    Thanks for your help Levin Anderson!

  • My pleasure ! To be clarified, the HD is just a standardised size for image, it defines like the double of SD standard, i believe, so...

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