I keep getting a java.lang.NullPointerException error message

hey my fellow coders i keep getting a java.lang.NullPointerException error message on my processing sketch. Not Sure what i did wrong could anyone possibly help me. Its for a project i'm in desperate need of help. Basically what i'm trying to do is map out sets of data measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. I'll attach the data as a csv file along with code. If anyone could help i would be truly thankful :)

heres the code:

// How to read CSV files using the Table class

void setup() {
  size(500, 400, P3D);   

  Table data = loadTable("co2.csv", "header,csv");

  //translate(width/2, height/2); 

  for (TableRow row: data.rows()) {

    //average amounts of co2 emission per year
    float average = row.getFloat("average");
    average = int(average);

    //interpolated points
    float interpolated = row.getFloat("interpolated");
    interpolated= int(interpolated);

    //trend of co2 emissions
    float trend = row.getFloat("trend");
    trend= int(trend);

    //dates recorded
    float date = row.getFloat("date");
    date= (date);

    float days = row.getFloat("days");
    days= int(days);

    //float date = row.getFloat("date"); 
    //if (date > 2000) { 
    //float = average // <--- needs work
    //point(x, y); 

    //visual part
    //average between 2000-2013
    float x1= map(average, 369.25, 398.4, 0, width);//first value being the max second min
    stroke(0, 255, 0);//green line represents years 
    point(x1, 10);

    //line for trend of emissions between 2000-2013
    float r = 0;//radius
    float x2 = map(trend, 369.06, 396.83, 0, width);
    stroke(0, 0, 255);//blue dots represents trends between 2000-2013
    point(x1, x2);

    // interpolated points in graph
    float interpolated1 = map(interpolated, 369.25, 399.767, 0, width);
    stroke(234, 31, 129);//red dots represent interpolated plots in graph
    point(x1, interpolated1);

    //days it took to record data each year
    float days1 = map(days, 14, 31, 0, width);
    stroke(255, 247, 8);//purple dots represent days
    point(x1, days1);


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