Aruino tilt switch/ buttons as INPUT, notes in Processing as OUTPUT

edited June 2014 in Arduino

Hello Everyone! I try to create a simple keyboard with tilt switches (instead of buttons) as INPUT. The OUTPUT are notes played with Processing. I use the Arduino. and Soundcipher. libraries. It works only with the first digital input. But if I try the next switch there is no signal. It looks like the software runs only until the first "if()".

I would really appreciate your help. Thanks a lot!

import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
import arb.soundcipher.*;

Arduino arduino; 

void setup() {
  size(470, 280);

  // Prints out the available serial ports

 arduino = new Arduino(this,"COM25", 57600);

  // Set the Arduino digital pins as inputs

    arduino.pinMode(3, Arduino.INPUT);
    arduino.pinMode(4, Arduino.INPUT);



void draw (){

  SoundCipher sc = new SoundCipher(this);

  if(arduino.digitalRead(3) == Arduino.HIGH) {   // play the first note if the state of the digital pin 3 is HIGH
     sc.playNote(50, 50, 3.0);

       if(arduino.digitalRead(4) == Arduino.HIGH) {  
     sc.playNote(60, 50, 3.0);



  • edited June 2014
    • When posting code, highlight it and hit CTRL+K in order to format it!
    • Is it necessary to instantiate a new SoundCipher object @ 60 FPS within draw()?
    • Don't use delay() within draw(). Control draw()'s callback rate via frameRate() instead:
  • edited June 2014

    Unfortunatelly, it doesn't help. I know, that it is unusual to use an SoundCipher object in draw() but when it is in void setup() it doesn't work (no tone). I think the problem is not that much about the sound but more about recognizing the Aruino digital INPUTs.

    Has anyone an idea?

  • gotoloop is right, you need

    before setup()

    SoundCipher sc;

    in setup()

    sc = new SoundCipher(this);

    the last line has no leading SoundCipher please.

  • frameRate(4); in setup()

  • thanks a lot, but it also didn't solve my problem.

  • I am trying to do something similar but by sending data via the serial from the arduino IDE, here is the post :

    When I press the button for the first time the audio file plays well ( 1st if statement) but when I press the button again it does not play the file. So its as if once the if statement has been executed the program just stops and does nothing.

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