Using Custom search to find something on the old forums

TL;DR: Use a custom search query for the old site, like so (just add your own search terms).

So I wanted to look up an answer I got on the old forum (the previous one, not the old old forum), but because it is now a static site there is no search function, or going-through-my-own-posts option. It's also a pretty old discussion, and there's thousands of questions on there, so looking manually was going to be a problem.

In my case, the question was about users being able to type the name of files being loaded and uppercase/lowercase check woes. Then I remembered the ability of search engines to single out a site. One "site: jobleonard file" search query on DuckDuckGo later I had the topic I was looking for! (oddly enough, Google did not give me the result I was looking for this time, but depending on what you're looking for either might work better)

I figured others might have had the same problem but did not know that you could customise your search in most search engines like that, so I'd share. Start with this:

(or add "site:" to your Google query, but hotlinking that is harder these days)

... and simply add the things you are looking for to the search query.


  • yes, I think in Google it's

    jobleonard file site:

    I bookmarked that...

  • If you search from (the main site), it uses a request similar to the one given by Chrisir. But on the whole site, so it is not limited to a specific forum, which can be good or not what you want...

    Thanks for sharing your tips.

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