Count and Save Elements created by mouse click

edited May 2014 in How To...


I wrote a code where I create flowers by mouse-click and every third flower is decreasing an augmenting pollution cloud. The code works fine. Now I would like to save how many flowers were created during the game and export the data in an excel or text-file. Could you give me a hide how to do that. Here is my code for the flower function. Thank you.

class Plant {

  float x;
  float y;

  Plant() {
    x = mouseX;
    y = mouseY;


  void display() {

ArrayList plants; // array for plantas
int iP= 0; // iterator plantas

//quantify plants
boolean augment_plant = false;  
int counter_plants = 0;

  boolean plantation() 
   for ( iP = 0; iP < plants.size(); iP++ ) 
    Plant a = (Plant) plants.get(iP);
  if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT))
    plants.add(new Plant());
    counter_plants = counter_plants + 1;
    if (counter_plants == 3)
         augment_plant = true;
         counter_plants = 0;
      augment_plant = false;

    return augment_plant;


  • edited May 2014

    plants.size() which you already use is the value you are looking for. See also saveStrings().

    Note that your counter_plants is a redundant counter giving the same value...

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