Help with detecting Fiducial markers

edited May 2014 in Library Questions

I'm having a problem with displaying my TUI fiducial marker by facing it to the webcam but it's not working. I don't know what could be the problem. Here's the code that i'm using. I want to know if something is wrong with it.

void addTuioObject(TuioObject obj) {
   int id=obj.getSymbolID();
     if(id==0) {
       text(id, 50, 50);


  • What could be wrong with the code?

  • In future please format your code so that it can be read properly in this forum.

    I suggest that you say what library and version you are using, also which version of Processing you are using.

    Are you getting error messages?

    I suggest that you change the code to

    void addTuioObject(TuioObject obj) {
       int id=obj.getSymbolID();
       if(id==0) {
         text(id, 50, 50);
       println("ID " + id);

    so you see the actual value of ID. In the current code line 4 does nothing really because id will always be zero because of the if statement.

  • I'm using version 2.1.1.

    I'm actually not getting any error messages. The fiducials don't just seem to work. I'm wondering if there's something that i'm not doing right. Let me try the piece of code that you gave me. Thanks.

  • What library and version you are using?

  • The library version that i'm using is version 2.

    I just noticed that the fiducial works when it feels like. I try it sometimes, it works, other times, it doesn't.

  • This is getting painful I'll try once more

    what is the name of the library?

  • The name of the library is TUIO 1.4. I made a mistake earlier.

  • If you look at the webpage for this library you see it says that it is optimised for Processing 1.0 and hasn't been updated for 5 years.

    Since Processing 2 is VERY different from earlier versions it is unlikely that the library will work properly.

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