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Hello, I'm a student from Germany and I'd like to write my bachelorthesis with the topic "interactive presentation with the aid of Microsoft's Pixelsense" (because that's the hardware the institute owns).
And there come problems...Microsoft does not seem to be supported the Surface SDK anymore which is essential for developing with the MS Pixelsense, so I looked for alternatives and found a TUIO-Processing library. The next thing is that the TUIO-specification is not compatible with the MS Pixelsense. As a "solution" I found the Pixelsense-TUIO-bridge PixelTUIO which circuits that problem somehow (even I don't know the mechanics behind it). I know that you can do most of the important things with other libraries, for example with the Simple-Multitouch-Library, but I also wanted to add object-recognition which only can be achieved by using the TUIO-specification (I think).
And now I'd like to know if there are any other people out there experimenting with the MS Pixelsense and Processing (or even with the TUIO-library) and can share their experiences, problems and solutions with me.
Thanks for your attention. :)