Help for editing Data of a space invader, which tool should I use?

edited April 2014 in Questions about Tools

Hello "coder guy !"

I'm actually devloping a 2D space invader, and for more free flow, I put some part of the game in the files of the scketch : the Data, which containing "les filtres de jeux" (filtrejeu.tga/gif and vlw) a game filter, wich contain all data about sprites, hitboxes, and so on.... The physics rules of the game are in the processing's code part.

But to edit this data, I have no Idea about the manner to proceed, I know that's possible with C++ template etc.. But I'm hate C++, and that's even worst for the template you cannot imagine, I could make but it will take me 6 month to undestand how it's working... And I have to hurry up !

Please help me to devlop this part it still only 4 week before the end of the project, 4 weeks remaining. Please... Heellpp meeee.

Did it nicely ask to you?

I hope someone will want to help me... And I will thank him a lot.


  • edited May 2014

    err... your question is a bit broad

    • vlw is the font - you don't want to change this

    • tga and gif are images. When they contain your sprites - fine. You can change them by using photoshop or just "paint" (under windows).

    It would be easier if you post the files or say in what way you want to change them.

    I am sure there are also sprite editors out there

    or you write your own sprite editor... umh... No, don't.

    The usage in processing

    since they are sprites, the normal way is that the different types of sprites (enemy, space ship, explosion, bullet...) are in one image (or a player walking left and right etc.).

    You have to cut out the single sprites from the main image at the beginning of your processing sketch and store them in your arrays and call them accordingly.

    see e.g.

  • edited May 2014

    I forgot to tell you :

    I use Gimp, I Have already draw the sprites,

    They are not explosion for the moment, but I've program the ship, the laser (Il will change their apparence) the ennely the mother ship....

    I've don't program the "shell" yet the item shell is a shield with an elliptique hitbox wich covering the ship, the shellis invisible, they are juste a health's bar wich regenrate slowly...

    "tga and gif are images"

    I already Know the fact that TGA and GUF were images thank... The one example of space invader using this technique in processing code the Data in C++, all I know that the hitboxes are in the TGA file and the sprites in the GIF file (how does it work? That's the magique of the template...)

    I've already download this one to see how it work, I have friend whi try to make also another space invader, but they make all in the processing code and it use a lot of memorie they are very bigs lags ! They are almost 5 seconds between a collision and the reaction !!!!

    Unlike the space invader of my friend this one works perfectly, but the data is written in C++ !!!!!!

    I have an other friend who make entire amateurs games likes zelda's games, and he gives me this link :

    It explain how to make a this game filter with gimp, he use a template for this ! Everyone know template=C++ and C++=Impossible to me !

    I've read a lot of topics an threads : A lot of web site pdf elaining something about sprites geopographic position of the data etc.. But I don't find an anwser yet....

    But thank a lot for the first link, even if I don't use auto-animated sprites....

    Edit : I will rephrase exactly what I want to really say (or write..)

    " The usage in processing

    since they are sprites, the normal way is that the different types of sprites (enemy, space ship, explosion, bullet...) are in one image (or a player alking left and right etc.).

    You have to cut out the single sprites from the main image at the beginning of your processing sketch and store them in your arrays and call them accordingly.

    see e.g."

    How did I make that? With witch tool, gimp, officedraw? Should I put the background ine the back ground of the image, the ship in the for ground, should I use something special?

  • edited May 2014

    Question anwsered thanks !

  • that's good! ;-)

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