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Hi guys,
I am at a bit of a loss as to how to send a float from processing to max, i have read the various but limited instructions that i have found online but have not offered much help.
I have built an EEG from Instructables, and it came with a processing sketch which separates the data into the different brainwave categories (alpha, beta etc…). All i want to do is be able to send the data of these six bands into six different flonums in Max so i can process them. Does anyone have any ideas?
I assume it will be to enter “link.declareInlet(“xPosition”);” in the part of the code where it says “//Draw un-averaged frequency bands of signal.”
But i am new to processing and fairly new to Max and cant work out where i would put it and how i would get Max to recognise it using Maxlink.
I know im probably asking a lot, but i will be grateful for any type of feedback.
Heres the code:
* Reads in EEG data through the microphone input of the
* computer, then displays the signal in time, its frequency
* components, and then averages of frequencies that estimate
* the concentration of different brain waves.
* For reference, the frequency bars are ordered/classified as
* follows:
* 1 - blue -------- delta
* 2 - blue/purple - theta
* 3 - purple ------ alpha
* 4 - purple/red -- low beta
* 5 - dark red ---- mid beta
* 6 - red --------- high beta
* This sketch will measure all brain waves, from 0 - 30 Hz. It does
* best, however, measuring alpha waves across the occipital lobe.
* To view this function, play the program, click the window to
* make sure its in "focus", and hit the "a" key to bandpass the alpha
* waves only. The alpha wave bar is the 3rd one (purple), and should
* increase in height by 2-3x when you close your eyes and relax
* (you'll see it for a second or two after you open your eyes, before it
* averages back down).
* /
/* One issue: when taking the FFT of the data, it seems as if
the frequency bands have a bandwidth of 1.33 instead of 1, as
60Hz noise peaks out at band 45. This is worked around by using
the scaleFreq parameter, which is used frequently. */
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
//Important constants that may need to be changed.
float timeScale = 50; //scales the amplitude of time-domain data, can be changed
static float normalScale = 50;
static float alphaScale = 100;
static int freqAvgScale = 50; //does same for averages of frequency data
static int alphaCenter = 12;
static int alphaBandwidth = 2; //really bandwidth divided by 2
static int betaCenter = 24;
static int betaBandwidth = 2;
//Variables used to store data functions/effects.
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
FFT fft;
NotchFilter notch;
LowPassSP lpSP;
LowPassFS lpFS;
BandPass betaFilter;
BandPass alphaFilter;
//Constants mainly used for scaling the data to readable sizes.
int windowLength = 840;
int windowHeight = 500;
int FFTheight;
float scaling[] = {.00202,.002449/2,.0075502/2,.00589,.008864,.01777};
float offset[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
float amplify[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1};
float maximum[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
float scaledMaximum[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
int FFTrectWidth = 6;
float scaleFreq = 1.33f;
float timeDomainAverage = 0;
//Variables used to handle bada
int cutoffHeight = 200; //frequency height to throw out "bad data" for averaging after
float absoluteCutoff = 1.5;
boolean absoluteBadDataFlag; //data that is bad because it's way too far out of our desired range --
// ex: shaking your head for a second
boolean averageBadDataFlag; //data that's bad because it spikes too far outside of the average for
//that second --
// ex: blinking your eyes for a split second
//Constants used to create a running average of the data.
float[][] averages;
int averageLength = 200; //averages about the last 5 seconds worth of data
int averageBins = 6; //we have 6 types of brain waves
int counter = 0;
void setup()
//initialize array of averages for running average calculation
averages = new float[averageBins][averageLength];
for (int i = 0; i < averageBins; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < averageLength; j++){
averages[i][j] = 0;
//set some drawing parameters
windowLength = 840;
windowHeight = 500;
FFTheight = windowHeight - 200;
size(windowLength, windowHeight, P2D);
//initialize minim, as well as some filters
minim = new Minim(this);
notch = new NotchFilter(60, 10, 32768);
lpSP = new LowPassSP(40, 32768);
lpFS = new LowPassFS(60, 32768);
betaFilter = new BandPass(betaCenter/scaleFreq,betaBandwidth/scaleFreq,32768);
alphaFilter = new BandPass(alphaCenter/scaleFreq,alphaBandwidth/scaleFreq,32768);
// get a line in from Minim, default bit depth is 16
in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, 8192*4);
//initialize FFT
fft = new FFT(in.bufferSize(), in.bufferSize());
void draw()
/*badDataFlag handles any "artifacts" we may pick up while recording the data.
Artifacts are essentially imperfections in the data recording -- they can come
from muscle movements, blinking, anything that disturbs the electrodes. If the
program encounters a set of data that spikes out of a reasonable window
(controlled by the variable cutoffHeight), it won't consider that data
when computing the running average.
absoluteBadDataFlag = false;
averageBadDataFlag = false;
fft.forward(in.mix); //compute FFT
background(0); //make sure the background color is black
stroke(255); //and that time data is drawn in white
line(0,100,windowLength,100); //line separating time and frequency data
//check for spikes relative to other data
for (int i = 0; i < windowLength - 1; i++){
if (abs(in.left.get((i+1)*round(in.bufferSize()/windowLength))) > timeDomainAverage*4)
averageBadDataFlag = true;
//Calls function to zoom into average bars when you right click on the average bars.
//Scales depending on position of click.
void mousePressed(){
if (mouseButton == RIGHT && mouseY > FFTheight){
scaleAverage(floor(mouseX/(windowLength/averageBins)), windowHeight - mouseY);
//Zooms into average bars to show small fluctuations better. New range (from original) is
//from position clicked on to a maximum height such that the previously logged maximum fills 75% of the
//current bar.
void scaleAverage(int bin, float pos){
offset[bin] += pos/amplify[bin];
amplify[bin] *= 200/(1.33f*(scaledMaximum[bin] - pos));
maximum[bin] = 0;
scaledMaximum[bin] = 0;
//Hitting number keys will reset that bin of averages, hitting "`" will wipe them all.
void keyPressed(){
if (key == '1' || key == '2' || key == '3' || key == '4' || key == '5' || key == '6'){
char data[] = {key};
String str1 = new String(data);
int keyNum = Integer.parseInt(str1);
keyNum -= 1; //shift down 1 since array is zero-indexed
offset[keyNum] = 0;
amplify[keyNum] *= 1;
maximum[keyNum] = 0;
scaledMaximum[keyNum] = 0;
if (key == '`'){
for (int i = 0; i < offset.length; i++){
offset[i] = 0;
amplify[i] = 1;
maximum[i] = 0;
scaledMaximum[i] = 0;
if (key == 'w'){
if (key == 'e'){
if (key == 'a'){
if (key == 'b'){
//Toggle effects such as notch or lowpass filter, not being used at
//the moment, though.
void toggleEffect(AudioEffect effect){
timeScale = normalScale;
timeScale = alphaScale;
//Draw the signal in time and frequency.
void drawSignalData(){
timeDomainAverage = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < windowLength - 1; i++)
//data that fills our window is normalized to +-1, so we want to throw out
//sets that have data that exceed this by the factor absoluteCutoff
if (abs(in.left.get(i*round(in.bufferSize()/windowLength)))*timeScale/normalScale > .95){
absoluteBadDataFlag = true;
//Draw the time domain signal.
line(i, 50 + in.left.get(i*round(in.bufferSize()/windowLength))*timeScale,
i+1, 50 + in.left.get((i+1)*round(in.bufferSize()/windowLength))*timeScale);
timeDomainAverage += abs(in.left.get(i*round(in.bufferSize()/windowLength)));
//Draw un-averaged frequency bands of signal.
if (i < (windowLength - 1)/2){
//set colors for each type of brain wave
if (i <= round(3/scaleFreq)){
fill(0,0,250); //delta
if (i >= round(4/scaleFreq) && i <= round((alphaCenter - alphaBandwidth)/scaleFreq)-1){
fill(50,0,200); //theta
if (i >= round((alphaCenter - alphaBandwidth)/scaleFreq) &&
i <= round((alphaCenter + alphaBandwidth)/scaleFreq)){
fill(100,0,150); //alpha
if (i >= round((alphaCenter + alphaBandwidth)/scaleFreq)+1 &&
i <= round((betaCenter-betaBandwidth)/scaleFreq)-1){
fill(150,0,100); //low beta
if (i >= round((betaCenter - betaBandwidth)/scaleFreq) &&
i <= round((betaCenter + betaBandwidth)/scaleFreq)){
fill(200,0,50); //midrange beta
if (i >= round((betaCenter + betaBandwidth)/scaleFreq)+1 && i <= round(30/scaleFreq)){
fill(250,0,0); //high beta
if (i >= round(32/scaleFreq)){
fill(240,240,240); //rest of stuff, mainly noise
if (i == round(60/scaleFreq)){
fill(200,200,200); //color 60 Hz a different tone of grey,
stroke(150,150,150); //to see how much noise is in data
//draw the actual frequency bars
rect(FFTrectWidth*i, FFTheight, FFTrectWidth*(i+1), FFTheight - fft.getBand(i)/10);
//divide the average by how many time points we have
timeDomainAverage = timeDomainAverage / (windowLength - 1);
//Give user textual information on data being thrown out and filter's we have active.
void displayText(){
//show user when data is being thrown out
text("absoluteBadDataFlag = " + absoluteBadDataFlag, windowLength - 200, 120);
if (absoluteBadDataFlag == true)
println("absoluteBadDataFlag = " + absoluteBadDataFlag);
text("averageBadDataFlag = " + averageBadDataFlag, windowLength - 200, 140);
if (averageBadDataFlag == true)
println("averageBadDataFlag = " + averageBadDataFlag);
//and when a filter is being applied to the data
text("alpha filter is " + in.hasEffect(alphaFilter),
windowLength - 200, 160);
text("beta filter is " + in.hasEffect(betaFilter),
windowLength - 200, 180);
//Compute and display averages for each brain wave for the past ~5 seconds.
void displayFreqAverages(){
//show averages of alpha, beta, etc. waves
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
float avg = 0; //raw data for amplitude of section of frequency
int lowFreq = 0;
int hiFreq = 0;
//Set custom frequency ranges to be averaged.
if(i == 0){
lowFreq = 0;
hiFreq = 3;
if(i == 1){
lowFreq = 3;
hiFreq = 7;
if(i == 2){
lowFreq = alphaCenter - alphaBandwidth;
hiFreq = alphaCenter + alphaBandwidth;
if(i == 3){
lowFreq = 12;
hiFreq = 15;
if(i == 4){
lowFreq = betaCenter - betaBandwidth;
hiFreq = betaCenter + betaBandwidth;
if(i == 5){
lowFreq = 20;
hiFreq = 30;
//Convert frequencies we want to the actual FFT bands. Because of our
//FFT parameters, these happen to be equal (each band has a 1 Hz width).
int lowBound = fft.freqToIndex(lowFreq);
int hiBound = fft.freqToIndex(hiFreq);
//Scale the band number, because of the issue outlined at very beginning of
lowBound = round(lowBound/scaleFreq);
hiBound = round(hiBound/scaleFreq);
//get average for frequencies in range
for (int j = lowBound; j <= hiBound; j++){
avg += fft.getBand(j);
avg /= (hiBound - lowBound + 1);
// Scale the bars so that it fits our window a little better.
for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
if (i == k)
avg *= scaling[i]*freqAvgScale;
//update our array for the moving average (only if our data is "good")
if (absoluteBadDataFlag == false && averageBadDataFlag == false){
averages[i][counter%averageLength] = avg;
//calculate the running average for each frequency range
float sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < averageLength; k++){
sum += averages[i][k];
sum = sum / averageLength;
//draw averaged/smoothed frequency ranges
rect(i*width/6, height, (i+1)*width/6, height - (sum-offset[i])*amplify[i]);
// always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them
void stop()
Most people transmit data between processing/max through UDP. I'd recommend looking into the udprecieve object in Max, and finding a way to send udp messages in Processing. Hope that helps, let me know if you need more help!
search for maxlink, it's a great library for processing.
To newcomers in this forum: read attentively these instructions -> How to format code, how to choose a category (had to fix both).