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Hi !
First of all, I must tell you that I'm a french teenager (but nearly 18 lol) and sorry for my spelling, for all mistakes I will make in my posts (don't hesitate to correct me ! it would help me to be more familiar with the language).
I have a project to make using arduino and processing. I have, first of all, a sonar and I have to rotate it with a servo (servomotor ?) using Arduino => this part of the project is okay, I have the code and the servo rotates, no problem. This servo is linked with a sonar, and I have to show using processing, the results of what the sonar caught. But when I tried to use some codes (that I found on a website), it doesn't work (Processing 2 shows an error). I lack time (don't have enough time to learn form scratch), then I will ask you if anybody have a solution, if someone have already did this type of project, and what can I do/where can I find resources ?
The website I used to found the sketch, and all connections, is lucky-larry (but the site seems malicious according to Google and Firefox).
Thanks in advance!
I made a little example radar game a while back, looking through the source might help you: http://staticvoidgames.com/play/?game=RadarDefense