This is the smallest flappy bird code(when minified) made in processing at this moment (made by me. It will soon be crushed i'm sure). Read the //comments very carefully as I've tried to explain it as well as I can:
//sets up the variables for the pipe and bird positions and score:
float p=400, a;
int g, s, v=166, w=500, z=200;
boolean d, f, t;
float[]y= {
z, w, v
void setup() {
//sets up the sketch
size(w, 800);
void draw() {
//clears the display
if (d&&f) {
//if you are not dead then move the pipes
int x=w-frameCount*2%v;
if (x==w) {
//set the gravity:
//draw the pipes:
rect(x-v, -5, v, 805);
rect(x-332, 0, 0, 800);
int c=3;
//draw the gap in the pipes
for (int i=x;i>x-333;i-=v)line(i, y[c-=1], i, y[c]+z);
//test for the pipes colour:
d=get(100, int(p=max(min(p+a, 795), 5)))==color(0);
//adds your score if you have just gone through a pipe
if (d&&x==400)s++;
//draw the player and your score:
ellipse(100, p, 20, 20);
r(0, 0, str(s));
else {
//else if you are dead then display 'game over' and your score
r(v, 300, (f?"game over":"flappy bird"));
//if its your first time playing the game then it will have a title screen with 'flappy bird' 'click to play'
r(v, w, (f?"score:"+s:"click to play"));
//If you press a button or the mouse then run function 'c'
if (mousePressed||keyPressed)c();
void c() {
//set the acceleration and score:
if (!d)s=0;
void r(int x, int y, String s) {
//draw the box with the text:
rect(x, y, z, 40);
text(s, x+30, y+30);
void collisionFish() {
// collision check
boolean isWater;
// if near the wall area
if (x>455) {
// is water or wall before the fish?
isWater = get ( x+26, y ) == color (70, 190, 199);
if (isWater) {
if (x>470) {
// restart Fish
// collision
if (x>455) {
// restart Fish
} // else
} // if
} // func
Haven't you already posted the same thing in your 1st thread? :-$
yeah but i don't understand the flappy bird concept
im a beginner at processing
This is the smallest flappy bird code(when minified) made in processing at this moment (made by me. It will soon be crushed i'm sure). Read the
very carefully as I've tried to explain it as well as I can:Does that help?
also quick question how to i get the fish to move up and down using the arrow buttons?
Your fish has probably a variable telling the vertical position where to draw it. If not, create such variable!
Then, on keyPressed(), detect if it is an arrow key, and if so, change the value of the vertical position.
Beside, collision check and scoring are among the most asked topics in this forum, and are shown in lot of examples. Some search can help.
Oh, and avoid to make duplicate threads. A simple additional question in the original thread would have been enough.
how do i create bubbles using loop?
here collision check
I did bubbles in one of the other threads for fish from your class.
google it
@Chrisir, no use to keep helping him!
@mikw123 is erasing everything and asking about "deactivating" his account! [-(
he even sent me PMs .....
Don't do that (renaming your thread, removing the content of the question. If you don't want to leave traces on Internet, just don't use it.
im sorry
to stop the fish from starting automatically again, you need to change restartFish()
don't set x to zero here
or display a text "Click mouse to play again"
im still confused
you see the function void restartFish() {
Here is a line x=-70; or so
delete this line
or delete the complete function
and delete the line where it's called:
I also made one version where the gap in the wall has a new position every time the fish goes through it
when I get rid of the void restartFish function, when the fish passes through the gap the score continues to rise
you can have a global var
boolean scorePauses = false;
once the fish is through the score gets higher
after that
then when the mouse is clicked, and a new fish starts say
scorePauses = false;
of course