real-time line graph from arduino colected data

edited April 2014 in Arduino

Hello, I am absolutely new to Processing and decently knowledgeable with Arduino. I am not looking for you guys to bring a ready-made solution but to enlight me on whether or not I should invest a bit of time to learn Processing. I am pretty sure it's an excellent piece of software, but there are so many things to do and so littletime I'd like to know beforehand if I should dive into the tutos.
My questions : Context : a device is controled by an Arduino, using PWM. The device can be a DC motor or a LED. If it's a DC motor, it will accelerate during a brief period of time (Time 1), work at full-speed during time 2, and deccelerate during time 3 (and stay still during time 4 that is not shown on the diagram. Same logic would apply if it would be a LED.


Question 1: is it possible to have Processing draw a line graph similar to the one depicted above, based on the current measured (through or directly by exploiting the values used for analog.write() ? Sometimes, the total duration of the cycle might not exceed 100 ms. Can Processing cope with that?

Question 2 (more complex) : would it be possible to "program" the Arduino controlling the Motor or LED directly from the Processing IDE ? And of course, displaying the line graph at the same time. Option a : using lines of code (written isnstructions) ? Option b : drawing directly the profile (which means, I guess, drawing first a 2D plan, with time in X and intensity in Y.

Thank you for your input. If you believe this can be done, I just found how not to go running in the woods during the next week-end.



  • Answer ✓

    Yes its totally possible and most simple.

    You can use Serial library to communicate with your Arduino. A simple function would read values from Arduino.

    You can set a pre-defined values that when received by Arduino, it will initiate some action.

    For example you can use myport.write(#FF) to switch on led. You have to program Arduino to switch led on when it receives that hex value.

    similarly you can use a myport.write(#1005) to rotate motor. #10 to identify it as motor command. #05 say might be the angle by which you want to rotate the motor.

    (All hex values are just as example. You can define your own protocol to do the same.)

  • Thank you, Deamon4, I appreciate. And will therefore start studying the tutos. Pierre

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