image into another- efect 3D

hi, I'm trying to put an image into another. is delimited, lines to the area where the image is going to fit. but the result is not very good. how to solve this?

image alt text

PImage cover,Cov;       // The source image
    PrintWriter output;

    void setup() {
            cover = loadImage("cover_overlay.png");  // Load the image
            Cov = loadImage("SLUS_213.69_COV.png");  // Load the image
            output = createWriter("positions.txt"); 
            size(cover.width,cover.height, P2D); 


    int[] P1 = {113, 6};
    int[] P2 = {9, 152};
    int[] P3 = {132, 203}; 
    int[] P4 = {234, 25}; 

      int incre=0;

    float[] rectas(int P1[],int P2[],int P3[],int P4[],int x ) { 

      float m1=  (float)(P1[1]-P2[1])/(P1[0]-P2[0]);
      float m2=  (float)(P2[1]-P3[1])/(P2[0]-P3[0]);
      float m3=  (float)(P1[1]-P4[1])/(P1[0]-P4[0]);
      float m4=  (float)(P3[1]-P4[1])/(P3[0]-P4[0]);

      float   r1=  m1*x+ P2[1] ;
      float   r2=  m2*x+ P2[1] ;
      float   r3=  m3*x+ P1[1]-20;/// -20 ??  
      float   r4=  m4*x+ P3[1]+240 ;// `240??

      float[] rValsY={r1,r2,r3,r4};

      return rValsY;  // Returns an array 

    int cont=0;
    int buff[]=new int[56475];
    void draw() {
      println("X="+mouseX+"  Y="+ mouseY);

      PImage Out = createImage(cover.width, cover.height, ARGB);

       for (int y = 0; y < Out.height; y++) {
              for (int x = 0; x < Out.width; x++) {

                    float r1[] =rectas( P1,P2,P3,P4,x );

                   int Y0 = int (x)+   (int)r1[0] * (Out.width);
                   int Y1 = int (x)+   (int)r1[1] * (Out.width);
                   int Y2 = int (x)+   (int)r1[2] * (Out.width);
                   int Y3 = int (x)+   (int)r1[3] * (Out.width);

                   int   Index = int (x)+   (int)y * (Out.width);

                   if( (Index>Y0) && (Index<Y1) && (Index>Y2) && (Index<Y3)){ 

                             int Y=(int) map(y,0,Out.height,0,Cov.height);
                             int X=(int) map(x,0,Out.width,0,Cov.width);
                             int C =  X +   Y * Cov.width;


              }//end for x

       }    //end for y     




cover-image 1: cover

Cov- image 2: Cov


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