add a alarm to making a loop to see the bus is near my bus stop

edited April 2014 in Android Mode
cannot find symbol 
import java.lang.Object;

else if (bus72_02 < 100)
    text("Reaching in less than 100 meters.", 20, 0, width, height);
    AlarmManager alarm = (AlarmMAnager) Context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);


  • You don't seem to be asking a question or providing any sort of description of what your problem is... the best we have to work with is "cannot find symbol". You don't even provide a complete sketch...

    I don't know what you are importing Object. If you have resorted to doing this, then something must be fundamentally wrong. You have imported AlarmManager, but have not imported Context, which is probably why you receive the above error.

    Try adding this at the top of your sketch:

    import  android.content.Context;
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