NullPointerException when increasing the number of objects in an array

edited April 2014 in Questions about Code

Hi there

I'm new to processing and I really can't figure out why in the code below I get a NullPointerException with the array InWorld[] creatures when it contains more than 2 or 3 objects. It sometimes work with 20, but then Processing won't open the sketch a second time, and i get a NullPointerException. As you can notice, I declared and initialized OutWorld[] souls in the exact same way and it works, even when it contains 2000 objects. // Working with Processing 2.1.1 for Windows 64bits.

Specific parts :

InWorld[] creatures;
OutWorld[] souls;

void setup(){


      creatures = new InWorld[2];
      for(int c=0; c<creatures.length; c++){
       /*......*/ creatures[c] = new InWorld(id,shade,lifeTime,energy);

      souls = new OutWorld[2000];
      for(int s=0; s<souls.length; s++){
       /*......*/souls[s] = new OutWorld(random(-120,360), random(10,80));

    void draw(){ 

        for(int c = 0; c < creatures.length; c++){

        for(int s = 0; s < souls.length; s++){

Totality of the main sketch :

Force force;
InWorld[] creatures;
OutWorld[] souls;

void setup(){
      force = new Force();

      creatures = new InWorld[2];
      for(int c=0; c<creatures.length; c++){

        int id;
        int shade;
        int lifeTime;
        float energy;

        float probability = random(1);

        if(probability > 0.1 && probability < 0.50){
          id = 255;
          shade = int(random(192,255));
          lifeTime = shade;
          energy = random(63.5,127);
          creatures[c] = new InWorld(id,shade,lifeTime,energy);
        } else if(probability > 0.50 && probability < 1){
          id = 0;
          shade = int(random(1,64));
          lifeTime = shade;
          energy = random(63.5,127);
          creatures[c] = new InWorld(id,shade,lifeTime,energy);

      souls = new OutWorld[2000];
      for(int s=0; s<souls.length; s++){

        float probability = random(1);
        if(probability >= 0 && probability <= 0.25){
          souls[s] = new OutWorld(random(-120,360), random(10,80));
         } else if(probability >= 0.25 && probability <= 0.50) {
           souls[s] = new OutWorld(random(-120,-11), random(-480,0));
         } else if(probability >= 0.50 && probability <= 0.75) {
           souls[s] = new OutWorld(random(-120,360), random(-560,-491));
         } else if(probability >= 0.75 && probability <= 1) {
           souls[s] = new OutWorld(random(250,360), random(-480,0));


void draw(){


        for(int c = 0; c < creatures.length; c++){

        for(int s = 0; s < souls.length; s++){


  • Answer ✓

    The problem is in the creation of the creatures themselves.

    In lines 19 - 32 a creature is NOT created if the probability <= 0.1 it means that some of the array elements are null.

  • thank you so much ! seems perfectly logical, but i wouldn't have found.

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