We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
what I came up with so far was: PImage img; PImage img2;
void setup() {
img = loadImage("forest1.jpg");
img2 = loadImage("forest2.jpg");
void draw() {
void keyPressed() {
if (key == '1'){
tint(255, frameCount*10.5);
image(img,0,0,width, height);
tint(255, 255-frameCount*10.5);
image(img2,0,0,width, height);
this however does not work because once the key is pressed the frame count does not start from 0 but from whenever it is pressed. Is there a way to reset the frame count to zero once the key is pressed? or perhaps is there a better way to do this in whole? Thank you
when keyPressed say
myframeCountAtStart = frameCount;
where myframeCountAtStart is a global var
when using tint say
Sorry I'm quite new to this. I understood to do this, can you tell me what I did wrong/need to change?
this is the idea
since draw() runs on and on (60x per second) we want to draw the images there and also use tint there (and not in keyPressed())
since the function keyPressed() gets called only once (when the key is pressed) we only want to make the changes there necessary for what's happening in draw() :
set myframeCountAtStart and
set doTheChange
Since the image after the morphing is another than before, you need to swap the images. Then you could say
in line 28 and start all over again.
Now when you hit 1 again and again it always starts from the start and doesn't go back and forth from image1 to image2.
Greetings, Chrisir ;-)
thank you very much! :)
you're welcome!