changing path in processing-java


i have many versions of processing, so i have put them in their own folder in my applications directory. i have just installed the processing-java, so i can use sublime as an ide. however, since i have processing in a folder, sublime can't find it to build sketches:

/usr/bin/processing-java: line 2: /Applications/Processing: No such file or directory

how can i change the path to /Applications/Processing/Processing 2.1.1 so the app can be found?

thanks in advance.



  • is this windows?

    must be a PATH in your config-file....?

  • hi chrisir,

    i am on a mac. for the time being, i put the processing app in the main applications folder, but i would like to be able to put it in its own folder.

  • Take a look how Sublime is set up to run Processing. I suppose it is some text setting or script. You can alter it to use the absolute path to your version of Processing.

  • i thought that as well. i saw someone who had the same problem, but was using windows and his solution didn't align with a mac. i'll look into it again.

    thanks again.


  • Hi Destro,

    Did you manage to fix this problem? I would appreciate if you explain what you did since I am having the same problem.


  • hi nosymmetree,

    i didn't fix the prblem. i had a problem with my computer and now i only have 1 version of processing installed, so i didn't test it. but what i did before was just have a separate folder for each processing app and only used sublime with the one that was in the applications folder.

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