Need Processing 2 for MacOs X 10.6.8

edited March 2014 in Using Processing

Hello, This morning when I try to upgrade processing, I discovered that doesn't work on my macos x version. And I erase my processing 2 in my applications folder. I'm asking for a processing 2 working on macos x 10.6.8. If someone got one, I will be happy!



  • Hi, can you say what exactly was a problem with your processing version? I also has a problem using it on mac os, because i don't have a visual part with "canvas", just an editor window. When I run my code I gets only some rely small rectangle, with nothing inside. Is it possible that I didn't have some necessary extensions, or some thing like that?

  • GuiMel: Processing 2.0.3 is still available for download at

    dkurunov: What version of Processing? What version of MacOS? The small rectangle is the normal default window. Can you show us a short sample of the code are you using to draw into the window?

  • Processing 2.1.1, Mac OS X 10.9.1. Code is just : rect(250, 200, 150, 100); ) I am changing width and hight of a rect, and there is nothing happens. I am trying processing for the first time, and can't get started..

  • @dkurunov this topic will solve your problem

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