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Hi all. :)
I'm new with processing, kinect and simpleopenni.
I have a question, i want to track a seated skeleton and i know that i have to look for shoulders, head and arms joints, but i have a problem, how do you keep the skeleton alive? Mean, I stand in front of the kinect and it detects me, shows the skeleton, and i sit, and start moving my arms and shoulders doing activities (drinking water, eating, reading, etc.), but the skeleton disappears after a while (i think a min or two passes before it disappears), and to make it appear again, I have to stand again in front the kinect.
Or anyone has any idea on how to track a seated skeleton?
I'm singin Ubuntu 12.04.4, processing 2.1.1, simpleopenni 1.96, NiTE 2.2 Linux x64, and OpenNI 2.2 Linux x64
Thanks in advance.
Well, i still haven't solved how to keep the skeleton alive, but i have found the way to track skeleton joints (their coordinates) and normalize them, also i found the way to find their angles (lie, i found it in a book named Making things see, but it's outdated). Here is my code, hope it helps somebody in a future. If i find a way to keep the skeleton alive i will post it in here (in the forum)
To newcomers in this forum: read attentively these instructions
Moved topic to a more specific one, formatted your code (but I left the pseudo-formating you did...).
Oh, i'm so sorry for causing you troubles PhiLho, I didn't mean it to post code, just wanted to know how to keep the skeleton from disappearing. And then i was excited because i found a way to track the joints.