firefox hangs when accessing example processing server

edited October 2017 in Library Questions


i've tried the Server example:
Server myServer;
int port =39999;
int val = 0;

String http_ok = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";

void setup() {
  size(200, 200);
  // Starts a myServer on port
  myServer = new Server(this, port);

void draw() {
  val = (val + 1) % 127;

  // Get the next available client
  Client thisClient = myServer.available();
  // If the client is not null, and says something, display what it said
  if (thisClient != null) {
    String whatClientSaid = thisClient.readString();
    if (whatClientSaid != null) {
      println(thisClient.ip() + " at " + millis() + " =>\n" + whatClientSaid);
      thisClient.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n");
      thisClient.write("Hello " + thisClient.ip() + "\t" + millis() + "\r\n");

// The serverEvent function is called whenever a new client connects.
void serverEvent(Server server, Client client) {
  String incomingMessage = "A new client has connected: " + client.ip();

This works perfectly from both local machine and local network when using putty.
But firefox hangs endlessly with "Transfering data...." ...
The server_event and draw() prints the connect log lines but then nothing more happens...
I use XP SP3, processing 2.0.3, firefox 24.0.

Appreciate any tips...


  • Answer ✓

    Is it possible that you have to close the connection after .write() so Firefox does not wait for more data?

  • Thanks hamoid,
    I suppose the connection is closed automatically, the doc says so.
    But I expected it to finish the transfer before that, as I said it does work with putty.
    Anyway I also tried a delay(1000) after the last write but no success...

  • Just tested and reproduced the problem. Chrome displays the answer, but is hung too. Will investigate a bit more.

  • It just works if you add


    after the thisClient.write() lines. See

  • Yes, it works!!!
    Thank you very much!
    But I get a "Client SocketException: Socket closed" in the server log window.
    Maybe it does not matter...

  • Perhaps you try to write on the client after the server is disconnected from it.

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