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I am trying to make a trigger like ENTER or spacebar to shoot a bullet at the other side of the screen. How can i do this?
I did an online example. Check that out: (*)
/** * Bullet Fire Example (v1.02) * by GoToLoop (2014/Mar) * * forum.processing.org/two/discussion/3470/triggerbullet * * studio.processingtogether.com/sp/pad/export/ro.9FioSBFuQzD8V/latest */ static final int BW = 030, BH = 010, BS = 010; int bx, by; boolean isShooting; void setup() { size(600, 150, JAVA2D); frameRate(60); smooth(4); rectMode(CORNER); fill(#FF0000); stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); by = height-BH >> 1; } void draw() { background(0300); if (isShooting) animateBullet(); } void keyPressed() { final int k = keyCode; if (!isShooting && k == ENTER | k == RETURN | k == ' ') startBullet(); } void mousePressed() { if (!isShooting & mouseButton == LEFT) startBullet(); } void startBullet() { isShooting = true; bx = -BW; } void animateBullet() { rect(bx += BS, by, BW, BH); if (bx > width) isShooting = false; }
Closing this thread, as it is duplicate of the other one.
I did an online example. Check that out: (*)
Closing this thread, as it is duplicate of the other one.