Preload image in JS, pass to processing sketch?

edited March 2014 in JavaScript Mode

I'm trying to download/preload an image in my webpage's javascript. Once loaded, I want to send that image object to the processing.js sketch.

Following Pomax's guide, I can send strings to and from a webpage into the processing.js sketch. However, the wheels fall off when I use images. I'm trying to load an image from a URL, make sure it is loaded, then pass it into processing.

I've used onLoad functions, the "Try/Finally" approach, but it seems like I can't get the image fully loaded. The closest I can get to making this happen, my browser console will tell me that the img object isn't defined.

What I'm attempting: Javascript loads image from URL, confirms image loaded, passes image object into processing. Is there an authoritative approach to this? I've been looking up examples, and nothing seems to work.


  • I still don't have much experience w/ JS yet! And I'm still studying Pomax's Guide:

    Default procedure is use to use /* @pjs preload = ""; */ to preload resources before running the sketch:

    You can check out my only online example of that below:$MTikWt80-9w/rev.70

    There's another alternative way that I've never seen any1 using it yet:

    Anyways, I believe having a separate ".js" file constantly checking whether requestImage() has completed the whole process,
    can be feasible. Although much more complicated to pull out! (%)

  • Yeah I've been working through the Pomax guide, which was really helpful. Thats how I'm passing strings back and forth.

    I was thinking of doing the "requestImage" approach, but I wanted to see if I could pass image objects instead.

    I'm trying to dynamically load images from URLs, so I'm not using the preload method on these. And I can load images just fine straight from URLs, but now I'm trying to do some "extra" stuff before they get loaded. The delay is messing up some of my code.

    I probably should be building a 'loading verified' type functionality that requestImage is talking about anyways. But I was curious to see how much I could offload to JS in order to keep the processing part as simple as possible. Thanks for the reply, though.

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