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I'm having trouble catching a string. I am using an Arduino to print the following...
Here's part of my setup. (int lf = 10)
void setup() { println(Serial.list()); myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[5], 38400); myPort.bufferUntil(lf); }
And the serial event...
void serialEvent(Serial p) { //println("DEBUG 1"); inString = p.readString(); if (inString.equals("START")) { println("DEBUG 2 - Start Found"); startProcessing = true; } else if (inString.equals("END")) { println("DEBUG 3 - End Found"); startProcessing = false; count = 0; } else { //Must be data - Might new to check for new data //println("DEBUG 4 - New Data"); //Display inString println(inString); newDataToBeProcessed++; newDataLine = inString; } }
And here's part of the output.
I miss both the START and END if statement. What I'm seeing is just the println(inString) in the else statement. I know there is \n character after the START and END. Any idea as to why I'm not catching the START and END statement? Thanks in advance.
Ugh. I didn't realize it put all those html tags! Let's try this again.
And serial events:
"Let's try this again."
Do you know you can edit your first message?
And have you read the sticky? To newcomers in this forum: read attentively these instructions Don't forget that the code must be surrounded by blank lines.
Note: you should use trim() on received strings, they often have spaces or newlines included in them.
Hey PhiLho,
I did a preview before I posted. Apparently is doesn't take into account the span tag. I'll be sure to read the sticky before I post more code.
I'll take a look at the trim command. I'm sure that after START and END there has a new line character (\n). I thought the bufferuntil(lf) would remove the new line character.
Never mind. The trim command worked! Thanks.