Animated movement

Lets just say I have a object, such as a rectangle, and I center it in the screen so (200,200). I want the rectangle to move to (50,50) and I don't want it to jump, I want to see it move to the new coordinates. What is a simple example of how this would work with a rectangle?



  • edited February 2014 Answer ✓

    Processing invokes draw() @ about 60 FPS by default. So in order to actually see it moving, you gotta do step by step.

    I believe you've already got an answer from your previous thread?

    There's a simpler 1 below too:

  • edited February 2014

    A tweaked version:

     * Random Lerp Tweens (v2.02)
     * by  Poersch (2014/Feb)
     * mod GoToLoop
    static final int DIM = 020, FPS = 120;
    int originX, originY, destX, destY;
    int counter;
    void setup() {
      size(800, 600, JAVA2D);
      destX = width>>1;
      destY = height>>1;
    void draw() {
      final float interval = (float) frameCount % FPS / FPS;
      if (interval == 0.0)  restart();
      final float x = lerp(originX, destX, interval);
      final float y = lerp(originY, destY, interval);
      ellipse(x, y, DIM, DIM);
      frame.setTitle("Counter: " + counter
        + "\t\tFPS: " + round(frameRate)
        + "\t\tInterval: " + nf(interval, 0, 2));
    void keyTyped() {
    void mouseClicked() {
    void restart() {
      originX = destX;
      originY = destY;
      destX = (int) random(DIM, width  - DIM);
      destY = (int) random(DIM, height - DIM);
      fill((color) random(#000000));
      ellipse(destX, destY, DIM*1.3, DIM*1.3);
      stroke(0100, 050);
      fill(-1, 050);
  • Okay this seems much clearer. Let me try to understand this logic. So your restart function is sort of similar to a move() function. What is the final float interval? I am confused as the what that does, and the lerp as well... Thank you for your help btw, this is a very clear example, I am just new to animations.

  • edited February 2014

    It wasn't be who made that example. So I don't get it 100% either! 3:-O

    So your restart() function is sort of similar to a move() function.

    Nope! It just randomly picks a new destination and draws a colored spot there when interval begins a new cycle!

    What is the final float interval?

    That expression divides 1 second into FPS units. So interval is the current fractioned value of 1 second.
    Hence, it takes about 1 second to reach destination spot, no matter its distance.

    and the lerp() as well...

    It's a little mystery for me as well. Better you read about it for yourself: :(

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