PShape / SpriteBatch

Hi all, am I right in thinking that PShape with UV's correctly set up with a spritesheet is essentially doing the same thing as a SpriteBatch from XNA and LibGDX?

Thanks for your help


From LibGDX

It is very common to draw a texture mapped to rectangular geometry. It is also very common to draw the same texture or various regions of that texture many times. It would be inefficient to send each rectangle one at a time to the GPU to be drawn. Instead, many rectangles for the same texture can be described and sent to the GPU all at once. This is what the SpriteBatch class does.

SpriteBatch is given a texture and coordinates for each rectangle to be drawn. It collects the geometry without submitting it to the GPU. If it is given a texture different than the last texture, then it binds the last texture, submits the collected geometry to be drawn, and begins collecting geometry for the new texture.

Changing textures every few rectangles that are drawn prevents SpriteBatch from batching much geometry. Also, binding a texture is a somewhat expensive operation. For these reasons, it is common to store many smaller images in a larger image and then draw regions of the larger image to both maximize geometry batching and avoid texture changes. See TexturePacker for more information.

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