How to create multiple objects using the same class?

edited February 2014 in How To...

Hi there, I'm trying to create a wee animation that uses the class Alien to display multiple aliens. It took me a few hours to make it resizable and bounce off the screen edges. But now that I tried to add another alien to the screen it overwrites the one I created first (so I still only have one bouncing around). I've only started using Processing about 2 weeks ago, so I'm probably making a stupid mistake. Would really appreciate if you guys could have a look on my code. I'm using Processing 2.1.1 on a Windows pc. So here's the first part:

Alien myAlien;
Alien anotherAlien;

void setup() 

  size(displayWidth, displayHeight-80);
  myAlien = new Alien(150, 150, 300);
  anotherAlien = new Alien(10, 10, 250);


void draw() 


And the Alien class:

//Alien class 

class Alien {

  float wholeX; //starting X position
  float wholeY; //starting Y position 
  float rad; //total size of the alien 
  float speedX = random(1, 2);  // Up and down speed
  float speedY = random(1, 2);  // Left and right speed

  int directionX = 1;  //to the left or right
  int directionY = 1;  //Up or down 

  //tempRad sets the size of the object while headX and headY set it's starting position 
  Alien (float tempHeadX, float tempHeadY, float tempRad){

    wholeX = tempHeadX;
    wholeY = tempHeadY;
    rad = tempRad;


  void display(){

   float leftLegX = wholeX+rad/2-rad/6; 
   float leftLegY = wholeY+rad/5;
   float legRad1 = rad/12;
   float legRad2 = rad*0.78;
   float rightLegX = wholeX+rad/2+rad/12;
   float rightLegY = wholeY+rad/5;
   float leftHandX = wholeX;
   float leftHandY = wholeY+rad/2-rad/12;
   float leftArmX = wholeX+rad/12;
   float leftArmY = wholeY+rad/2-rad/12;
   float handRad = rad/6;
   float rightHandX = wholeX+rad-rad/6;
   float rightHandY = wholeY+rad/2-rad/12;
   float rightArmX = wholeX+rad-rad*2/5;
   float rightArmY = wholeY+rad/2-rad/12;
   float bodyX = wholeX+rad/2-rad/8;
   float bodyY = wholeY+rad/5;
   float bodyRad = rad/2;
   float headX =wholeX+rad/2-rad/8;
   float headY = wholeY;
   float headRad = rad/4;
   float eyeX = wholeX+rad/2-rad/28;
   float eyeY = wholeY+rad/14;
   float eyeRad1 = rad/12;
   float eyeRad2 = rad/14;

    //background reset
    background(86, 255, 53);
    // Update the position of the shape
    wholeX = wholeX + ( speedX * directionX );
    wholeY = wholeY + ( speedY * directionY );

    //if the object hits either right or left end of screen bounce off
    if (wholeX > width-rad || wholeX < 0) {
      directionX *= -1;
    //if the object hits either top or bottom of the screen bounce off 
    if (wholeY > height-rad || wholeY < 0) {
      directionY *= -1;

    //draw the alien 
    //outter boundry of the alien
    ellipse(wholeX, wholeY, rad, rad);
    fill(53, 236, 255);
    ellipse(leftLegX, leftLegY, legRad1, legRad2);
    ellipse(rightLegX, rightLegY, legRad1, legRad2);
    ellipse(leftHandX, leftHandY, handRad, handRad);
    rect(leftArmX, leftArmY, handRad*1.8, handRad);
    ellipse(rightHandX, rightHandY, handRad, handRad);
    rect(rightArmX, rightArmY, handRad*1.8, handRad);
    fill(255, 48, 124);
    ellipse(bodyX, bodyY, bodyRad/2, bodyRad);
    fill(53, 236, 255);
    ellipse(headX, headY, headRad, headRad);
    fill(random(0, 255));
    ellipse(eyeX, eyeY, eyeRad1, eyeRad2);




  • Answer ✓

    The only problem is that you redraw the background on line 54 (inside each Alien's display() function). If you redraw the background for each instance, then all of the previously drawn instances will be erased. Removing this line should be sufficient.

  • Thank you so much, worked perfectly! I would have spent another 10h without seeing that :)

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