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I keep getting the same error, I'm very very new to programming so I'm unsure of what I'm doing wrong. Help?! I keep getting the message that I can't load the movie file.
import processing.video.*; Movie myVideo; int video_width = 768; int video_height = 576; int video_slice_x = video_width/2; int window_width = 1000; int window_height = video_height; int draw_position_x = 0; boolean newFrame = false; void setup() { myVideo = new Movie(this, "Sequence01_4.mov"); size(window_width, window_height, P2D); background(0); myVideo.loop(); } void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) { myMovie.read(); newFrame = true; } void draw() { if (newFrame) { loadPixels(); for (int y=0; y < window_height; y++){ int setPixelIndex = y*window_width + draw_position_x; int getPixelIndex = y*video_width + video_slice_x; pixels[setPixelIndex] = myVideo.pixels[getPixelIndex]; } updatePixels(); draw_position_x++; if (draw_position_x >= window_width) { exit(); } newFrame = false; } }
/Users/jessicaearle/Desktop/Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 10.13.12 PM.png
Have you added the movie file to your sketch? What happens if you load "data/Sequence01_4.mov" instead?
You should put size() at the start of setup(), as recommended in the Reference. And you make it backward: in general, you call size() with numerical values, then you use the built-in variables width and height if needed.