how to make the flame move like a candle

edited October 2013 in How To...

Hi guys, i'm new to this. could someone help me on how to move the flame side by side like a candle. That is what I've done so far. thankyou.

void setup()

void draw()


  • I would try using a sine wave like in this example ( only vertical instead of horizontal ;)

  • seems to be difficult, i dont know which variable to change

  • Answer ✓

    I am not sure what you mean by "side by side".

    What variable to change: try replacing one of the parameters with mouseX or mouseY. These variables change when you move the mouse.

    Simple example to get you started:

    void setup()
      size(640, 400);
    void draw()
      background(255); // Necessary to see the movement
      // Then you have to redraw the candle each time
      rect(250, 115, 60, 120);
      stroke(0, 100, 255);
      fill(255, 120, 0);
      bezier(mouseX, 38, 226, 169, 362, 109, 254, 35);

    Note: the C button above the textarea allows to format the selected code.

  • thankyou, however it wasn't what i meant but you gave me a good idea using the mouseX command i will try play around with it and try to solve it.

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