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i am new to processing . i downloaded the processing latest version. when i tried to extract it, i recieved an error which says : java/lib/rt.jar is corrupted... what should i do?
How about re-downloading it? Or get some other recent version like v2.0.3? #:-S
why i am receiving that error? is that related to rt.jar file in c:\program files\java\jre7\lib
If you really wanted to be helped, why didn't you tell us your whole system specs? #-o
Like OS, 32 or 64 bits, JDK version, video, etc.?
There's no logic in failing to install unless there's some malware modifying the install itself???
ok. i m using windows 7 os.. i hv 32 bit system.. i m using jdk version 1.7.0_03 when i try to extract processing, i receive that rt.jar is corrupted... all files, except rt.jar get extracted....
Try downloading Processing again. Try to not have any other extra stuff running in the background on your PC, screensavers, Skype, etc. Adobe application updating processes and Window update are notorious for corrupting downloads if they activate during a file transfer.
Would also like to know what program you use to extract the files.
Hope that helps.
What file archiver program you're using for extracting it? There are many free excellent 1s:
Also as I've mentioned, you may try out older versions to check if at least they work:
It may happen the browser itself is corrupting the download.
Experiment other browsers like FireFox, QupZilla, Opera, SRWare Iron, Midori, etc.
Or even a download manager!
thank you @gotoloop & @siriusCG.. i am using winRAR 3.80
I wonder why people keep using a nagging shareware when there are so many excellent free archivers? (My preference goes to 7-Zip... I don't need the support of hundred of compression format found in other archivers.)