sketchbook location

edited February 2014 in Using Processing

my sketchbook location points to an unknown path under temp folder how do i change it? help appreciated..


  • edited February 2014 Answer ✓

    Non-saved sketches use %TEMP% folder until they're saved to a specified location.
    Anyways, here's a sketch to display some Java special paths & configs:

    println( javaVersionName );
    println( System.getProperty("java.home")  + "\n" );
    println( System.getProperty("os.arch") );
    println( System.getProperty("") );
    println( System.getProperty("os.version") + "\n" );
    println( System.getProperty("user.home") );
    println( System.getProperty("user.dir")   + "\n" );
    println( sketchPath );
    println( dataPath("") );
  • The real sketchbook path is visible (and can be changed) in the Preferences dialog of the PDE.

    As said, only the unsaved sketches are actually saved in the temp folder, the default path when you save is in the user directory.

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