Sketch compiles but shows a blank window when resolution is too high

edited February 2014 in Using Processing

Hi, I'm using the latest version of Processing on OS X 10.7. Usually I'll run a sketch at 800 x 800 while I am writing it and then make it 1600 x 1600 for a higher res save of the final image. Increasingly I'm finding even on simple sketches that when I make them larger than my screen (1280 x 720), it just shows me a blank/grey window. Sometimes restarting Processing fixes it for a few runs and then the problem returns, and it seems a bit random in how long it takes to start happening, and how small the sketch has to be before it actually runs again. (sometimes a 1400 square is fine, sometimes 800). No messages/errors appear in the console.

This is the kind of script I'm running:

int space = 100;
int fileNum = 8;
int frame = 0;

void setup(){

void draw(){

  translate(width/2, height/2);

  int size = frame % space;
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){

    vertex(-1*size, 1*size);
    vertex(1*size, 1*size);
    vertex(-1*i*size, -1*size);
    vertex(1*size, -1*size);

    vertex(-1*size, 1*size);
    vertex(-1*size, -1*size);
    vertex(1*size, 1*size);
    vertex(1*size, -1*size);

    size += space;

  frame += 1;

Any ideas? Thanks


  • "for a higher res save of the final image"
    Not a solution for your problem, but if the goal is just to save an image, usually people just create a PImage of the right resolution, draw upon it and save it. Thus, no problem of display driver or hardware.

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