Fisica on Android : impossible to grab object?

edited March 2016 in Android Mode

Hello! I'm trying to export a sketch using the Fisica library on android... It seem OK, but when I try to grab an object using the finger/mouse, I can't move it... Has anyone an idea about how to solve this? Cheers, Rémi.



  • edited April 2015

    In case anyone is still wondering about this, I got the answer from Ricard Marxer. (Thanks Ricard!)

    Suppose your FWorld is called world. In mouseDragged(), add two lines:

      world.grabBody(mouseX, mouseY);
      world.dragBody(mouseX, mouseY);

    In mouseReleased(), add:


    This worked perfectly for me. Just single touch, of course. I'm checking into TUIO and other multi-touch options.


  • Hi,

    thanks, it's usefull!


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