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Hi I have just joined and I am just starting to setup processing with arduino.
My interest is in a DIY CNC Mill and I am trying to setup the communications between the two programs, however I'm having problems.
The instructions I'm using are from Arduino Playground and they say: First "Unzip the library and copy the "arduino" folder into the "libraries" sub-folder of your Processing Sketchbook. (You can find the location of your Sketchbook by opening the Processing Preferences. If you haven't made a "libraries" sub-folder, create one.)"
I'm not sure if I have done this right as nothing comes up when I click on Sketchbook.
Second The instructions say "Configure Processing for serial: (Tom Igoe's Example)" When I paste and run this piece of code it rejects the Port Number I have installed (4 or COM4)
Where have I gone wrong Regards Mausgras
Try to add the libary by ckling in processing sketch>import libary>add libary> arduino. it should be automaticlly installed.