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Hi All I'm on Windows 7 64bit which is connected the kinect 360 OpenNI 1.5.7 Win32 NITE-Win32-1.5.2-Dev.msi The kinect works well because all examples of OpenNI and Nite work properly I would use Processing 2.1: when I launch SimpleOpenNi apps (come with libraries), the apps run but only the screen is white or gray and the kinect does not fire (infrared camera does not turn red). What is wrong? simple apps of processing run without any problems but all apps (tutorial) with kinect give all a blank screen and no error notification Thank you for your help
Hi, Even I m having the same problem, If you get it work , please post the information...
Thank you
Try to use Processing 1.5.1. if it didn't solve your problem. You should write more detail about your system that you use such as the version of SimpleopenNI, Kinect driver, etc
Hello faiz ,
I m using processing-1.5.1, SimpleOpenNI-1.96, kinect driver info:-OpenNI-Windows-x64- , OpenNI-Windows-x86-, Kinect Developer Toolkit-v1.7.0-Setup, and KinectSDK-v1.7-Setup on Windows 7 - 64 bit...
Tried a lot to solve this problem ... but no luck... :(
Hi Archana11,
Have you read my comment on this link (click here) ? I hope you will understand why i suggest Rivo to use processing-1.5.1
i have one question to you, why you install OpenNI-Windows-x64- and OpenNI-Windows-x86- in the same time ?
you supposed to install OpenNI-Windows-x64-2.2.x.xx and NITE-Windows-x64-2.2.x.xx or OpenNI-Windows-x32-2.2.x.xx and NITE-Windows-x32-2.2.x.xx.
After that, try to run example NiViewer and let me know if NiViewer is working proberly or not.
Hi Faiz,
Actually, at first I have downloaded OpenNI-Windows-x64- and try to run the example, then it was no working, so just need to install OpenNI-Windows-x32- , and try to run the example, then it was working...
In short , Now I have installed OpenNI-Windows-x64- and NiTE-Windows-x64-2.0.0...
And as you suggest me , I have removed OpenNI-Windows-x32- and try to run NIViewer , its working ... also processing sketch is working , but again its exported application doesn't work
Archana11, have u try to read the sentence on console part of processing ? what's the processing said ? and Could you show me the screenshoot of your program and write the code here ?
it will be helpful for the others if they have knowledge about your problem.
(Sorry I'm not sure, can help you more. i just know the solution if NiViewer just show the white screen. it is casued by lack of proper OpenGL drivers.The ones that comes default with windows are not good enough. You need to download them from NVidia, ATI, Intel, etc.. to get it working properly, but you said NIViewer is working properly)
Hi ,
The Processing console only shows the SimpleOpenNI Version (i.e. SimpleOpenNI Version 1.96) and without an error program runs by pressing the keys: (ctrl+shift+R)...
But , after exporting the skect the exported application gives nothing... The image of the program after exporting is :
even , The stop button is not displayed...
Archana11, sometimes you don't get any error on your code but it is not working like you want. like this picture
when i read the text from the console. i got some warning (WARNING: RXTX Version mismatch Jar version = RXTX-2.2pre1 native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre2) on my code. it's the reason why my program is not working properly. How about you, Is it any warning there ?
could you write the code here ? it's hard if you just show the result that you got.
hi faiz,
The Processing console gives no warning. This is the code:
and the Processing Console's image is:
have you tried to run your code on newer version of processing like processing 2.1.1 or processing 2.0.3 ?
yes, I have try to run the code on Processing-2.1.1 , program runs well, but after exporting an application ,when I try to run the application it gives me an error like this: