loadJSONArray() file size limit?

edited February 2014 in Programming Questions

I have a very large json file I would like to load and analyse. I am using loadJSONArray() but it is pulling the following error: Expected a ',' or '}' If I load a trimmed version (only 1000 elements instead of 10000 elements) it is fine. I think my json is formatted fine, but I guess it could be an error in it, but I was wondering if it was possible there is a limit to the size of the file you can load? The larger file is 12MB and the smaller file 363KB.

If there is a limit, is there a handy way to load the data line by line? Or would it be possible to convert it to a txt file and load it line by line and get to the data I need (maybe using BufferedReader.readLine() and match())?

Thanks, really want to get to grips with this data!!!




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