We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
If I should press the mouse, a card should be turned over with displayVoorkant. I can see the card is switching really fast, but shows not the image that it should. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
int []x = new int [24];
int [] y = new int[24];
int kaartX = 100;
int kaartY = kaartX;
int [] kw = new int [33];
int marge = 15;
int count = 0;
PImage achterkant;
int show = 0;
int kaartWaarde =0;
String[] kaartNaam = {"kaart0.png", "kaart1.png", "kaart2.png", "kaart3.png", "kaart4.png", "kaart5.png", "kaart6.png", "kaart7.png", "kaart8.png", "kaart9.png",
"kaart10.png", "kaart11.png", "kaart12.png", "kaart13.png", "kaart14.png", "kaart15.png", "kaart16.png", "kaart17.png", "kaart18.png", "kaart19.png",
"kaart20.png", "kaart21.png", "kaart22.png", "kaart23.png", "kaart24.png", "kaart25.png", "kaart26.png", "kaart27.png", "kaart28.png", "kaart29.png",
"kaart30.png", "kaart31.png", "kaart32.png"};
void setup() {
int myX = 100;
int myY = 100;
int myKw = 0;
size(800, 800);
for (int i=0; i<24; i++) {
y[i] = myY;
x[i] = myX;
kw[i] = i+1;
if (myX<500) {
myX +=115;
} else if (myX>500) {
myY +=125;
void draw() {
void mousePressed () {
void mouseOver() {
for (int i = 0; i<24; i++) {
achterkant = loadImage(kaartNaam[show]);
image(achterkant, x[i], y[i], kaartX, kaartY);
//fill(#E52709); //rood
if (mouseX > x[i] && mouseX< (x[i]+ kaartX)
&& mouseY > y[i] && mouseY < (y[i]+kaartX)) {
fill(#9FE509); //groen
rect(x[i], y[i], kaartX, kaartY);
} else if (mousePressed && mouseX > x[i] && mouseX< (x[i]+ kaartX)
&& mouseY > y[i] && mouseY < (y[i]+kaartX)) {
//fill(#E52709); //rood
void displayVoorkant() {
for (int i = 0; i<24; i++) {
image(achterkant, x[i], y[i], kaartX, kaartY);
if (mousePressed) {
show = kaartWaarde;
void kaart(int x, int y, int kw) {
kaartX = x;
kaartY =y;
kaartWaarde = kw;
void klik() {
for (int i = 0; i<24; i++) {
if (mouseX > x[i] && mouseX< (x[i]+ kaartX)
&& mouseY > y[i] && mouseY < (y[i]+kaartX)) {
if (mousePressed) {
rect(x[i], y[i], kaartX, kaartY);
Your draw() function calls your
function, and yourmouseOver()
function callsloadImage()
.This is the most wrong thing about your code. It is ABSOLUTELY wrong and ABSOLUTELY the VERY FIRST thing you should fix.
You should only be loading your images once. Things inside
only happen once. Thus, load all your images insetup()
(and NO WHERE ELSE)!Draw runs 60 times a second. If you only do something for one frame then it'll just flick.
You probably need to add some state to the card to say whether it's face up or face down.
Line 49, don't load images within draw.
You are loading 24 images, an expensive operation, every 60th of a second. Load them all in setup, reference them in draw.