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Good Evening everyone,
I quite new to processing and am working on learning nested loops. I am trying to put "Birds onto wires" and have only got it to half work.
final int BIRD_HEIGHT = 10;
final int BIRD_DIAM = 20;
final int HORIZONTAL_LINES = 7;
float wireHeight = (height-1) / (HORIZONTAL_LINES-1.0); // height of one row
float wireY; // y-coordinate of the current horizontal grid line
float birdSpacing = random((width/8),(width/2));
for ( int i = 0; i < HORIZONTAL_LINES; i++ ) {
wireY = i * wireHeight;
line (0, wireY, width, wireY);
for(float j = 0; j < birdSpacing; j++){
j = j + birdSpacing;
I have gotten the code to work to make one bird on each wire in the exact same place but its supposed to put a different number of birds on each wire with different spacing... any tips on how to change it? Any advise welcome :D
in line 17 you should use a new variable xBird instead of j; use it in line 18 too instead of j
also line 16 is completely wrong
try ...... j<width; j+=birdSpacing) {
@Chrisir Thank you that definitely helps me!!
There are different ways of doing this
Your outer for loop is perfect, counting with i++ until the number of wires, then in line 14 calculating the position with i*
The inner for loop could follow the same principle