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Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with this particular swarming code (see below), where I would like to render the swarming motions detected by the mouse pointer as a series of exported lines/images (hopefully using the information and convert them into 3D objects, similar to the work of this: golancourses.net/2011spring/03/23/shawn-sims-project-4/).
I'm very new to processing and can't seem to find the correct code to do this. This is the original location of the code: openprocessing.org/sketch/43141. Hope someone could help me out on this!
Thanks in advance.
PGraphics buffer;
PImage img;
int len = 2;
int num = 5000;
float range = 0.2;
float E = (float) Math.E;
boolean lines = true;
float att = 0.001;
float rep = 10;
float rot = 10;
float[][] ax = new float[len][num];
float[][] ay = new float[len][num];
float[] vx = new float[num];
float[] vy = new float[num];
int[] h = new int[num];
int[] s = new int[num];
int[] b = new int[num];
void setup()
size(1000, 1000, P2D);
buffer = createGraphics(width, height, P2D);
for (int n = 0; n<num; n++) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ax[i][n] = width/2;
ay[i][n] = height/2;
vx[n] = random(-2, 2);
vy[n] = random(-2, 2);
h[n] = 360;
s[n] = 20;
b[n] = 98;
void draw()
fill(20, 20, 20, 0);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
for (int n = 1; n < num; n++) {
// Shift all elements 1 place to the left
for (int i=1; i<len; i++) {
ax[i-1][n] = ax[i][n];
ay[i-1][n] = ay[i][n];
// Put a new value at the end of the array
ax[len-1][n] += random(-range, range)+vx[n];
ay[len-1][n] += random(-range, range)+vy[n];
// Calculate new velocity
vx[n] = ax[len-1][n]-ax[len-2][n];
vy[n] = ay[len-1][n]-ay[len-2][n];
// Add spring acceleration towards mouse
vx[n] -= (ax[len-1][n]-mouseX) * att;
vy[n] -= (ay[len-1][n]-mouseY) * att;
// Particles are scared of mouse!
float dx = ax[len-1][n]-mouseX;
float dy = ay[len-1][n]-mouseY;
float d = sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2));
vx[n] += rep * ((dx)/(pow(d, 2)));
vy[n] += rep * ((dy)/(pow(d, 2)));
// Particles are rotated at rate inversely proportional to distance
if ((mouseButton == LEFT) && (mousePressed == true)) {
vx[n] += (-dy / (d*d)) * rot;
vy[n] += (dx / (d*d)) * rot;
// Constrain all points to the screen
ax[len-1][n] = constrain(ax[len-1][n], 0, width);
ay[len-1][n] = constrain(ay[len-1][n], 0, height);
// Decelerate proportionally to speed
vx[n] *= .98;
vy[n] *= .98;
float v = sqrt(pow(vx[n], 2) + pow(vy[n], 2));
h[n] = 160 - 2 * int(v);
s[n] = 200 - 10 * int(v);
b[n] = 100 + 35 * int(v);
// If lines is true, draw a line connecting the points
if (lines) {
for (int i=1; i<len; i++) {
int rval = 220;
int gval = 230;
int bval = 255;
stroke(h[n], s[n], b[n]);
line(ax[i-1][n], ay[i-1][n], ax[i][n], ay[i][n]);
else {
for (int i=1; i<len; i++) {
float rval = 60;
float gval = 80;
float bval = 255;
stroke(h[n], s[n], b[n]);
point (ax[i][n], ay[i][n]);
//void mousePressed() {
// if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
// att *= 2;
// }
// else if (mouseButton == RIGHT) {
// att *= 0.5;
// }
void keyPressed() {
lines = !lines;
Hi! You didn't mention what is the issue you are having. What is currently happening and what should happen.
In any case, your title says "export as images" and I don't see any call to save() or saveFrame() in your draw loop... Cheers!