How can i delay drawings in a loop?

drawing a gun that shoots bullets but i don't want all the bullets to appear at the same time.

final float SPEED = 2; // creates global constant for the speed the gun will move
final float BULLET_SPEED = 4;

final int GUN_WIDTH = 30; // creates global constant for the width of the gun
final int GUN_HEIGHT = 50; // creates global constant for the height of the gun

int centerX,centerY;
float posX,posY;

float trianglePos1X,trianglePos2X,trianglePos3X;
float trianglePos3Y;

float bulletDiam = 10;

float bulletX, bulletY;

boolean bullets = false;

float x,y;

void setup(){


  centerX = width/2;
  centerY = height/2;

  posX = centerX - GUN_WIDTH/2;
  posY = height - GUN_HEIGHT;


void draw(){





void moveGun(){

if(keyPressed && (key == CODED)){

  if((keyCode == LEFT) && ( posX > 0 )){
    posX = posX - SPEED;  
    } // bracket for LEFT

  if((keyCode == RIGHT) && ( trianglePos2X < width)){
    posX = posX + SPEED;

    } // bracket for RIGHT
  } // bracket for CODED
} // bracket for moveGun

void drawGun(){

  trianglePos1X = posX;
  trianglePos2X = posX + GUN_WIDTH;
  trianglePos3X = posX + GUN_WIDTH/2;

  trianglePos3Y = posY - GUN_WIDTH;


  rect(posX , posY, GUN_WIDTH,GUN_HEIGHT);

  triangle( trianglePos1X ,posY, trianglePos2X , posY , trianglePos3X, trianglePos3Y);


void mousePressed(){

bulletY = posY;
bulletX = trianglePos3X;


void drawShot(){

int i = 0;
while ( i < 320) {

  ellipse (bulletX, bulletY + i, bulletDiam, bulletDiam);

  i = i + 40;


if((bulletY - bulletDiam/2) < 0 )


void moveShot(){

 bulletY = bulletY - BULLET_SPEED; 



  • edited March 2018

    You really should write a class for your Bullets.


    From several variables to arrays

    From several arrays to classes

    From Here:

  • I havent been taught or instructed to use arrays or classes so i need to still with just the while loop

  • Don't use keyPressed (the variable) use keyPressed () (the method). The first will be true 60 times a second, the second will be true once for every ever key pressed.

    See reference.

  • why would i change the keypressed when im not using it for the bullets?

  • No arrays? No classes? UGH. Fine. You can still do it long-hand... but you're going to be limited to a specific number of bullets at once.

    int a;
    float bx0, by0;
    void setup(){
      a = 0;
    void draw(){
    void mousePressed(){
      if( a == 0 ){
        bx0 = mouseX;
        by0 = mouseY;
      if( a == 1 ){
        a = 0;
  • int a;
    float bx0, by0;
    float bx1, by1;
    void setup(){
      a = 0;
    void draw(){
    void mousePressed(){
      if( a == 0 ){
        bx0 = mouseX;
        by0 = mouseY;
      if( a == 1 ){
        bx1 = mouseX;
        by1 = mouseY;
      if( a == 2 ){
        a = 0;
  • int a;
    float bx0, by0;
    float bx1, by1;
    float bx2, by2;
    float bx3, by3;
    float bx4, by4;
    float bx5, by5;
    float bx6, by6;
    float bx7, by7;
    float bx8, by8;
    float bx9, by9;
    float bx10, by10;
    float bx11, by11;
    float bx12, by12;
    float bx13, by13;
    float bx14, by14;
    float bx15, by15;
    float bx16, by16;
    float bx17, by17;
    float bx18, by18;
    float bx19, by19;

    // Well, you can do the rest.

  • Answer ✓

    Or, with an array...

    int a;
    float[] bxs = new float[20];
    float[] bys = new float[20];
    void setup() {
      size(400, 400);
      a = 0;
    void draw() {
      for ( int i = 0; i < bxs.length; i++) {
        ellipse(bxs[i], bys[i], 10, 10);
    void mousePressed() {
      bxs[a] = mouseX;
      bys[a] = mouseY;
      if ( a == bxs.length ) {
        a = 0;

    Convince yourself that this is a better way to do things. It's SO VASTLY MUCH BETTER, in fact, that YOU SHOULD DO THIS EVEN IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TAUGHT ARRAYS YET. Like, literally, LEARN THEM so you can do it this way!

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