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hi i'm trying to use rfid module with processing.
my plan is like when rfid tag is read , then link some url
but the problem is the rfid reader keep reading and keep page loaded.
how to solve this problem ? I would like loading url when rfid is read, not loading url when url already loaded
I think I should use boolean but I have no idea how to use it.
here is my code
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
String dummy;
void setup()
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[8], 9600);
dummy=" ";
void draw()
byte[] inBuffer = new byte[7];
while (myPort.available() > 0) {
inBuffer = myPort.readBytes();
if (inBuffer != null) {
String myString = new String(inBuffer);
if(dummy.equals("139") ==true) {
println("received 139");
if(dummy.equals("187") ==true) {
println("received 187");
link ("http://allrecipes.com/search/default.aspx?ms=0&origin=Home+Page&rt=r&qt=i&pqt=i&fo=0&wt=potato&w0=carrot&w1=onion");
General advice: in general, you can, and should, replace
if(dummy.equals("xxx") ==true) {
withif (dummy.equals("xxx")) {
Have a global boolean, eg. linkOpened.
When you call link(), set this variable to true.
And change the test to:
if (!linkOpened && dummy.equals("xxx")) {
Thus, you open a link only if not already done.
You can reset the variable to false after a while (use millis()).
yes I know what you mean
so do I have to declare boolean above ? like this :
boolean linkOpened = true;
and then
about using millis() I should look into reference
linkOpened should be false (the default) initially: you haven't opened the link yet! Set it to true after the call to link().
ah okay I see !!
it's like this :