Soundlibrary not working

edited January 2018 in Library Questions


i wanted to add a sound. I installed the library, put in the code but i get an error. I have no idea what the problem is, could someone check it out?

Cheers and thanks in advance.



  • Can you test the example that comes with the Sound library? In Processing, Go to File>>Examples then Library>>Sound>>SoundFile. Does it run in your machine? What Processing version are you using and what OS? I just tested the example in my machine and it worked.


  • edited January 2018


    thanks for checking it out! I use win10 - 64bit, processing 3.3.6.

    The sample file is also not working for me, same error as above. How can i fix this? I got Processing installed on D:/ but the sketch is saved on C:/Documents, is that the issue?


  • Do these next help?

    Did you install the sound library (I have to ask)?

    Did you move your sketch book location manually by any chance? I mean, is it the same as specified in the Processing preferences dialog box?

    Can you try running an example of the video library. Does it work?


  • the two mentioned threads didnt help and i checked my java, which is up2date.

    yes i have it definitely installed. i installed and removed it multiple times now.

    you are right, i moved the folder, since i had issues running png files before. after i moved it no issues at all. the sketch book location in processing is:

    D:\OTH\Produktion und Design digitaler Medien\Projektarbeit - visueller Produktkonfigurator\Processing - Projekt\Konfigurator\visuellerProduktkonfigurator

    but i moved it to documents and start it from here:


    if that is the issue how can i fix it? i also didnt notice that the old path is still in there.. i need it clean, its important.. :(

  • edited January 2018

    but im also unable to play sound on a fresh sketch and i dragged soundfile onto sketch and added manually. still installing video library, inet is slow today.

  • Ok, those spaces in your path initially... Personally I don't recommend them.

    If I were you, I will start from scratch. Download Processing, run it from the first time. Open the preferences and make a note of where your sketch book is. Close processing and delete/move the sketchbook to another location. Then run Processing again and let it recreate the sketchbook folder again.

    Note: Never modified the preferences.txt file while Processing is running

    Now download the sound library. You should also download the minim and video library. Run one relevant example from each library to make sure they work. I would recommend you use minim instead of the sound library, but it is your option.

    To answer your question, you should be able to move the sketchbook around. The important thing is to update the preference file.

    I hope this time it works. I have seen issues before with the Sound Library in Windows. Minim is a safer bet.


  • edited January 2018

    too late, i tried to change it while running and the D:/ hdd is not recognized and uninitializable by windows anymore..

    big trouble now, but thanks for your help! X_X

    btw. where do you store your skechtes?

  • I download and placed my processing folder at: C:\Users\Cq\Downloads\downloaded_installers\P3\current\processing

    Sketch book as defined in preferences: C:\Users\Cq\Documents\Processing

    Inside the sketchbook you find all the libraries, modes and tools that you have decided to installed. For instance, the SoundLibrary, Minim and Video library should be located inside C:\Users\Cq\Documents\Processing\libraries

    I keep all my sketches in C:\Users\Cq\Documents\Processing\MySketches


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