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Hello, I'm trying to plan ahead and was wondering if there were any tips, tricks, issues to consider as I move forward? I'm, I'd say, about an intermediate+ level with Processing's Java mode and about a beginner/intermediate with Android mode; basically I'm comfortable and what I don't know, you kind folks have been a fantastic source.
So I'm starting to develop an app (up until now I've been learning this and that and I plan to bring those lessons together and apply what I've learned), which by starting to develop, i mean that it is currently in a post-it note and dry erase board state of planning.
I've also started learning how to create apps with Eclipse and the associated Android tools. I've gotten to "Hello World" there, so I literally have JUST started learning.
This is where I was hoping for your 2¢. If I'm comfortable with Processing, should I work on my app in Android mode to get a beta version going and then switch to Eclipse? I realize that Processing Android is an activity, so it won't support all of the capabilities of the phone- which at this point is okay. But I could see where down the line, wanting to add alerts or push notifications could be desired. Or in app billing.
Or would I better developing right in the Eclipse environment? Is switching difficult?
Thanks for your advice, Shields
this isn't new, but new to me as i just found this post via the wiki. Good info there: http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/android-processing-in-eclipse.html
a lot of my questions were answered here. i swear i searched for this before posting my question... always seems to work out that way: 1. can't find the answer or figure it out. 2.post the question to the public masses 3. find answer on your own. 4. look like a chump.
Although, I'm still open to any friendly advice for the aspiring app developer.