Live Streaming Video with recording options AND instant sampling options

edited December 2017 in Library Questions

Hey! My goal is to create a software tool which actively records live video, but upon clicking "Record" will segregate the video into a specific different file (the scenario is watching several performances live recording the entire event, but also identifying and storing each performance on its own). Within this I would also like to have hot key items which upon clicking marks the video and packages the section just before the mark as a different segment as well. So if I was to use this during a performance the main window would have the entire day of events recorded and viewed live (with rewind, fastforward, etc.) and upon setting record it would create a file with the performance name which can be called back on its own to go right to that performance, and within that window have markers on the playback bar which indicate segments for review along with 3-5 second clips of video just prior to marking that review. The end goal would be to also have draw/markup capability on the video, but at the moment I just want to get the video processing and packaging to work.

Are there some tutorials already made that can help me with this and if not is there anyone out there that can start to push me in the right direction?

Thanks! Kevin

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