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Hi everyone,
I would like to add the 'in app billing function' (from google) to my app. Here is a tutorial that seems great for Eclipse user, but for me who use the processing IDE, it is hard to understand.
I need to import some .java and .aidl to my directory but I don't know how to make it work (importing in the 'code' folder? How?)
Does anyone have a solution or experienced this before? Is this a least possible?
Thanks !
This may not be possible to achieve from within the PDE. You can always export your sketch (File > Export Android Project) and add it to Eclipse, working with it from there. Although it may not be impossible from the PDE, it would certainly be much easier in Eclipse (including learning how to use Eclipse, if necessary, because you will probably need this knowledge to implement this particular functionality, even in the PDE).
I have not attempted to undertake this particular aspect of Android development, and so cannot help you more than this. Perhaps another Processing developer has, however.
Thank you calsign. I will try to port my project from PDE to eclipse, if this isn't to much work and modifications :/ If anyone did the inappbilling with the PDE, the post is still open !
Thanks :)