Testing ControlP5multilist but want Array of Text items.

edited December 2017 in Library Questions

I went rummaging in the ControlP5 examples looking for a simple array of text items. I started playing with the ControlP5multilist.

  • there's a comment saying that it's broken, but some of it works quite nicely.
  • it seems to be a kind of treeview, but you can only open one path at a time.
  • all the control is by hovering over.
  • wherever the example changes the item dimensions the location goes to (0,0) - perhaps that's the broken part.

Any ideas appreciated: - is it really limited to one path open at once? - can the expanding of the lists be done by arrow-keypress? or program action? - the elements are good, but I want a grid, can I use this or another CP5 object as an array of text items?

 * ControlP5 MultiList
 * by andreas schlegel, 2009
 * broken with version 2.2.1+

import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 controlP5;
MultiList l;

void setup() 
  size(700, 400);
  controlP5 = new ControlP5(this);

  // sorry, MultiList is currently broken.

  // add a multiList to controlP5.
  // elements of the list have default dimensions
  // here, a width of 100 and a height of 12
  l = controlP5.addMultiList("myList", 20, 20, 100, 12);

  // create a multiListButton which we will use to
  // add new buttons to the multilist
  MultiListButton b;
  b = l.add("level1",1);

  // add items to a sublist of button "level1"
  // first appears to right of level1
  b.add("level11",11).setLabel("level1 item1");
  // 2nd appears under first
  b.add("level12",12).setLabel("level1 item2");

  // this appears under first item
  b = l.add("level2",2);
  b = l.add("level3",5);

  int i1;
  // controlP5.Button

  controlP5.Button cb;

  cb = b.add("ab",11).setLabel("X1.");

  int cnt = 100;

  // add some more sublists.
  for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) 
    MultiListButton c = b.add("level2" + (i + 1), 20 + i + 1);
    c.setLabel("Level3 item" + (i + 1));
    c.setColorBackground(color(64 + 18 * i, 50, 100));

    if (true && (i == 4)) 
      // changing the width and the height of a button
      // will be inherited by its sublists.
      // This puts the item at the window origin.

    if (true && (i==4)) 
      for(int j=0; j<10; j++) 
        MultiListButton d;
        d = c.add("level2"+i+""+j,250+j+1);
        d.setLabel("level2 item"+(i+1)+" "+"item"+(j+1));
        d.setColorBackground(color(64 + 18*j,(64 + 18*j)/2,0));

  //MultiListButton cc = (MultiListButton)controlP5.getController("level21");


void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) 
  println(theEvent.getController().getName()+" = "+theEvent.value());  
  // uncomment the line below to remove a multilist item when clicked.
  // theEvent.controller().remove();

void draw() {

void keyPressed() 
  if (controlP5.getController("level23")!=null) 
    //println("removing multilist button level23.");


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