is there a way to shorten this?

Hey, so I'm still working on my space invaders game & got tons of buttons. Each button has a long line of code to check if the mouse is on it & every time I make I new button. I gotta change the long line of code here and there. I was wondering if there a way to shorten the line. I got a button class & an array holding the buttons.

here the long line of code;

if (mouseButton == LEFT && mouseX < button[3].x+button[3].w/2 && mouseX > button[3].x-button[3].w/2 && mouseY < button[3].y+button[3].h/2 && mouseY > button[3].y-button[3].h/2){ /// this the line I'm wondering if there a way to shorten if (room == 0){ exit(); } } if (mouseButton == LEFT && mouseX < button[4].x+button[4].w/2 && mouseX > button[4].x-button[4].w/2 && mouseY < button[4].y+button[4].h/2 && mouseY > button[4].y-button[4].h/2){ /// this the line I'm wondering if there a way to shorten if (room == 2 || room == 3){ room = 0; } } if (mouseButton == LEFT && mouseX < button[5].x+button[5].w/2 && mouseX > button[5].x-button[5].w/2 && mouseY < button[5].y+button[5].h/2 && mouseY > button[5].y-button[5].h/2){/// this the line I'm wondering if there a way to shorten if (room == 4){ doubleShot = true; } }


  • edited December 2017 Answer ✓

    Yes, but it's more trouble than it's worth unless you have more than about 10 buttons. You could have a Button object that you extend for each different action - or a switch statement that does different actions based on a Button's id. And the class would handle all the mouse position checks for you.

    class Button {
      float x,y,w,h;
      int id;
      int[] valid_rooms;
      Button(int[] rooms){
        valid_rooms = new int[rooms.length];
        for( int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) valid_rooms[i] = rooms[i];
      void draw(){
      void click(){
        if( over() && room_check() ){
      boolean over(){
        return( mouseX > x && mouseX < x+w && mouseY > y && mouseY < y + h );
      boolean room_check(){
        for( int i = 0; i < valid_rooms.length; i++) if( valid_rooms[i] == room ) return( true );
        return( false );
      void action(){
        // virtual, maybe?
          case 0:
          case 1:
            room = 0;

    (Not a finished example!)

  • edited December 2017

    would all that happen in button or do I still need to check in mouseButton too?

  • edited December 2017

    in mousPressed() (outside any class!) you for-loop i over all buttons in the current (!!!) room and check with if(button[i].over()) { } if it's clicked

  • Actually I would just call click() on all my buttons, as they can check that the mouse is over them. Up to you.

  • edited December 2017

    ok, is button still array in main? for this?

  • edited December 2017


    if (mouseButton == LEFT) {

  • is it still an array in the main script? ty for your time and answering my questions.

  • Yes

    Button[] button = new Button [10];

    or how many you need

  • edited December 2017

    ty, i'm trying to fill in everything and understand it at same time. It looks like in this code the room is array I had mine classes. I'm confused of how to place my class rooms in the array.

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