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Hi everyone,
I'm working on a visualization project. From the data I have calculated a large set of points, each of which has an X, a Y, and a Z coordinate. Drawing these out in 2d looks something like this:
Now, I am able to simply draw this out in 3d with lines, and then rotate the view with the mouse, which is something along these lines:
But the issue is that this is limited to the Processing window. However, I need a way to turn this into a "landscape" made out of polygons, which I can then export and open in a program like Blender. Any suggestions as to how I would go about doing that? Maybe some plugins that do this sort of thing?
One option: rather than drawing lines, create PShapes -- or use box(), and then export a .obj file so that you can import it into Blender.
Here is a tutorial series:
It uses the OBJExport library:
Thank you. This isn't exactly what I was looking for, but they will prove useful in the future regardless!
In the meanwhile I started creating some triangles myself. It's going to take a bunch of maths and organizing the data, but it should work eventually