kinect installing problem

edited January 2014 in Kinect

Hello Processing Community,

Actually , I have xbox kinect sensor, and I want to run SimpleOpenNI processing examples. Also I set up the openNI sdk on windows and sensor works perfectly. But through this link when I try to install an OpenNI, NITE and sensor kinect on Mac(10.7.5), by terminal app, I typed , "sudo ./" , then it gives me an error that "sudo: ./ command not found". I follow the same instructions just as the specified in the link. I also installed CMake MacPorts and XQuartz application, But I don't know how to fix this error??

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


  • Answer ✓

    If you have a 1473 model or after you'll have a hard time. But the fix is on the making I hope. if you have an older model the simplest way to install is thru homebrew.

    brew install libfreenect

    and you'll be ready. I think.

  • thanks for your reply... I'll try your trick....

  • edited April 2014

    Hi jonatas, I have installed through homebrew and running kinect sensor by freenect-glview command ... and it works ..

    Thank you so much for your suggestions..

    But when I try to run the SimpleOpenNI-0.27 library examples, they run fine.. But When I export them then nothing will display, only white screen is being visible.

    And when I try to run the SimpleOpenNI-1.96 library examples, then it will give erros :

        SimpleOpenNI Version 1.96
        send_cmd: Data buffer is 322 bytes long, but got 334 bytes
        After initialization:
        freenect_fetch_zero_plane_info: send_cmd read 334 bytes (expected 322)
        freenect_camera_init(): Failed to fetch zero plane info for device
        terminate called throwing an exception

    I have searched a lot about this , but still have the same problem...

    If I want to use SimpleOpenNI-1.96 library then , how can I fix this problem?

    Regards... :)

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