Processing and text/letters manipulations

edited January 2014 in General Discussion

I have a question. Is Processing good in text/letters manipulations/transformations? A mean, I know Flash a little, and if you want to i.e. create a letter "A" and then rotate it when you click a mouse on it, you just have to create a movieclip then put some simple code and there you have. Is it going to be as much flexible and easy in Processing? I'm asking, because I wold like to create a lot of things using letters and words which can be manipulated and interacted with. So, is Processing a good choice, or I should think about some other programming environment...?


  • Maybe you should crop your letters into PImage objects? :-??

  • Not as easy than with ActionScript, I fear, it is more low level...

  • So basically, the best and probably the only way is to create an alphabet by PImage and then use it in array. Or create a library which could transform any text or letter in an image in real time.

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