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hey guys; i was told the easier way to learn processing was through actionscript whats the major differences; and are the output different?
thanks! ng
You might find this a useful starting point http://wiki.processing.org/w/ActionScript_Comparison
Also please do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for a topic title, this is equivalent to SHOUTING
Fixed the title... Moved from Using Processing, too.
"was through actionscript"
It is like saying learning Basic to learn Java is a good way... Yes, it allows to know the base principles of programmings, which will be useful whatever (almost) the language you will learn later. But you will need then to unlearn some things, to learn other things, etc.
thanks! i decided to not take it cuz i didnt wanna confuse it up and learn another new program;bought a couple processing books and through daniel shiffmans great tutes im on my way!